CTMH June Jackpot Details

In June, take advantage of a different deal each day only on My CTMH Website. Click on the Jackpot June link to see each day’s deal. Each day will either be a Jackpot day or a Goodie Box day. Deals will run for 23 hours: from 10:00 am (CDT) to 9:00 am (CDT) the following day, while supplies last. (The hour between 9:00 am and 10:00 am will be used to finalize all pending transactions, clear the queue, and launch the next deal.)

On Jackpot days, 5 products will be offered for sale at special discounted prices. On each Jackpot day, we’ve selected one of the 5 products to be the Jackpot item for that day, but you won’t know which one it is (isn’t it exciting!). If you happen to order the Jackpot item, lucky you! We’ll reward you with a fabulous Close To My Heart jackpot, which may be one FREE product or a bundle of several FREE products! For those of you who aren’t risk-takers, you’ll want to purchase all 5 items to guarantee you’ll hit the Jackpot!

If you purchase multiple quantities of the Jackpot item, you’ll receive multiple products FREE. So, buy as many as you’d like of each item-there’s no limit-and you could be a big winner!

The free items will be featured on the Jackpot June shopping page, alongside the 5 discounted products. We’ll send your FREE items with the products you’ve ordered-and we’ll pay the shipping/handling for your free items! Special shipping is offered on the discounted products you purchase: just $0.99 for each item.

So, how do you know if you’ve hit the Jackpot? Each day we’ll announce what the Jackpot item was for the previous day on www.facebook.com/closetomyheart and

Important Notes: In order to give shoppers the best possible deal on products and shipping, Jackpot June purchases must include ONLY Jackpot June items (the Goodie Box or the discounted items) and nothing else. This will streamline the shipment of orders and is also how we’re able to offer discounted shipping for this exciting promotion. This means:
* On Goodie Box days, only one Goodie Box and no other items may be checked out in a single transaction.
* On Jackpot days, only the discounted items may be checked out in one transaction; no limit on discounted items per transaction.

Please remember that if you wish to make regular purchases on my website, you may still do so, just make a separate order for the regular items and that order will not be eligible for the Jackpot June discounted products, free items, Goodie Boxes, or discounted shipping with regular purchases.

Discounted shipping/handling will be $0.99 for each item purchased. So if you purchase 5 items, you will be charged $4.95 for shipping/handling. No shipping/handling is charged for the free Jackpot item.

Normal shipping in-house turnaround times will be extended on Jackpot June Constant Campaign items from 4 business days to 5-10 business days.

*** If you have any questions, please .

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